Sometimes we get reports from our users that they can't upload their photo due to "Network error". This usually happens when the browser or network rejects our attempt to send a photo from your device to our servers.
Here are a few things you can try:
Make sure your browser doesn't have plugins that can block connections (e.g. AdBlock)
Try a different browser. If you are using Chrome, try Safari, Firefox or Edge
Check your proxy or VPN settings. In some corporate environments there could be policies that prohibit uploading large files.
Try uploading photos from a different device, e.g. your phone, tablet or laptop.
To upload photos from a different device:
Navigate to on that device
Click Login button in the top right corner
Log in with the same email address as you used to purchase your order
Go to your account page (click your photo in top right corner)
Click "Upload Photos" on your order
If you don't see your order on your account page, make sure you logged in with the correct email address.