If you have purchased AI headshots but your account page doesn't show it, here are a few things you can try:
Check your email (including spam) for letters from [email protected]. We send order information and the updates from that email address.
Check if you used a different email address. E.g. when you log in with LinkedIn, it could be using your personal email address from the one you used to make the payment.
Check your bank statement to make sure there's a charge from SECTA.AI. If payment fails, no orders will appear on your account page.
If you used Apple Pay with private email feature, you'll need to use the same private email address to sign in to see your order.
Go to your account page and click "Restore Purchase". Fill in the form with all information you have and we'll try to locate your order in our system. Please allow 24-48 hours to come back to you.